Healing Pets
Our little furry Angels and how we might help them. One area of focus for the New Year will be animal-related offerings, and today we have an animal testimonial and a collection of animal testimonials assembled by the precious dog lover who prepares these testimonials...
Electric Cars Aren’t Worth the Cost to Build Them
This machine is required to move 500 tons of earth/ ore which will be refined into one lithium car battery. It burns 900-1000 gallons of fuel in a 12 hour shift. Lithium is refined from ore using sulfuric acid. The proposed lithium mine at Thacker Pass is estimated to...
The Sovereign Awaken
They couldn’t go to the pool, so the people met and swam in the ocean and lakes, and built saunas together. They couldn’t go to restaurants so the people had dinner parties and potlucks. They couldn’t go to clubs so the people had epic dance parties. They couldn’t go...
Clearing the body of everything which does not belong, including pathological viruses, bacteria, yeasts and fungi, along with parasites, herbicides, pesticides and heavy metals…
As NANO SOMA emerges in the world, it is useful to take a moment and reflect upon its broader position. As people become aware of its capability to trigger the body to heal itself and to clear itself of everything which does not belong, including pathological viruses,...